Lady Clare - Journal

Journal entries for the first session after the one-off

After a few weeks rest at home, I felt it was time to try and investigate the "Corwin-verse" further. Tamash and I walked the Rebman pattern in order to get there. I Trumped Coenna, and asked her to retrieve the strange mirror from Fiona. Whilst she was off doing that, I summoned Nathaniel by Trump, and we settled down to sleep.

I was somewhat suprised to be woken by smoke in my eyes. It seems that we'd failed to properly extinguish the fire before retiring. Wondering what was taking Coenna, I Trumped her again. She seemed to be having difficulty getting the mirror, and appeared to be negotiating with a third party. I passed Tamash through the Trump link; after further heated exchanges, he and Coenna returned through the Trump contact with a stranger. Odd-looking human-shaped Chaosian with silver-grey hair and a chaos-blade of some sort. He introduced himself as Sebastian, and seemed to have been bargaining with Coenna for the mirror.

We wanted to see what the mirror would show in the Avalon in the Corwin-verse, so I Trumped through a couple of horses from the Amber stables, and we set off. Tamash guided us, using his Logrus tendrils (this process is still rather unnerving to me). We got a little of Sebastian's life story on the way. His home shadow apparantly was destroyed, and he was rescued by house Hendrake; he then fled to Amber when another member of that house tried to assasinate him.

The journey through shadow was uneventful until we entered a shadow where knights hunt unicorns (Tamash was in the Unicorn form he had adopted when walking the pattern). We gave them a lesson in manners, and I instructed the survivor to order his Lord not to hunt unicorns any more. We continued to head towards a castle that had been ahead of us for some shadows now, shifting to somewhere that unicorns were treated with proper respect. A very pleasant keep it was too, if a little run-down. They invited us to a very pleasant banquet, at which I regret to report Sebastian and Coenna had rather too much to drink and somehow ended up in the same bed. They assure me this was accidental.

The following morning, we continued on our way towards Avalon. Eventually, we reached a likely-feeling city, and Tamash shifted into the shape of a white cat. We arrived late in the day at a very pleasant inn called "The King's Head".

Matthew Vernon
Cambridge, England