Session 11 Diary

Clare seems rather paranoid - her shadow is riddled with 'unlikely' shadow locations. I suppose I could just overlay it with some sort of Logrus matrix, and keep track of which of them she's hiding in today, but really - I can't be bothered to expend that much effort playing silly games of one-upmanship.

Anyway, returning to the narrative, Clare did indeed finish the trump, and failed to set off without me, for a change. It turns out to have been a bit of a waste of time, however - which appears to have put everyone rather on edge. Well, except me - I was rather enjoying it.

The castle was entirely mundane, no trace of Reality, and nothing exciting - we arrived late, local time, and Clare bullied her way inside. Not content with battering the guards aside, she battered reality, too. Seems rather a waste of something like the Pattern, but there we go.

Anyway, once she'd tracked down the lord of the castle, and intimidated him, first into accomodating us for the night, and later into giving us reasonable rooms (although I have to admit, she had a point about them), it was gone 2, and the castle was downright scared of us.

Add to that some screaming in the night, and I expect they'll all be rather tetchy when they make it to breakfast. Seems that everyone was wandering into and out of Coenna's bedroom all night, which would just have been amusing, were it not next door, and through a thin wall.

Ah well, breakfast is easy enough to make tolerable (although there is no local magic, cantrips are working perfectly from alternate sources, and while I've not tested, I expect the rest would be fine, too. A little politeness has done wonders for getting service around here, although the implicit understanding that we could level the castle without breaking a sweat probably helps.

Anyway, off to bully the Lord some more when we're done eating. Poor sod.

Tom Garnett
Cambridge, England