Session 13 Diary

Hmmm... Yes, people really are trying to keep me out of the loop here. The first big giveaway would be Coenna ambling off while being coy, but rather too smug for her own good. Exactly nobody acknowledging any form of trump contact really rather suggested something was happening.

Anyway, I decided that X was quite possibly a good person to keep in touch with - since they would, if nothing else, be polite while trying to screw me over, and there was a distinct possibility of other benefits.

My instincts proved correct, and I managed a pleasant conversation, with much exchange of information, without giving away anything I particularly cared to keep secret. I kept all the secrets Tamash had asked me to, of course - but still, there's a lot you can tell someone to allow them to benefit from a situation without knowing what it is, precisely.

I also acquired access to a couple of rather useful resources, including a location of probably safety in the event of the present political turmoil empowering forces unknown to attack me more directly. Safe from all except X, of course - but decidedly convenient for all that.

Anyway, with that successfully concluded, I did eventually manage to get in touch with Tamash, who was decidedly annoyed, but did mantion in passing that he'd known where Martin was ever since his disappearance (that elusive fact nobody had thought to mention to me), and that he was annoyed at Martin. Something about Clare going to look for Martin, and being wldly diverted to the centre of some demon summoning ritual in Chaos. Clare was apparently deeply put out at being sent off course, which I find so ironic it isn't true.

Next morning, I got in touch with Clare, and explained that no, I hadn't been aware that she was in Amber last night, and so technically asleep at the time, and that yes, next time the world was ending at a rate which happened to be very fast in Amber time, I would of course consider whether or not she would be asleep if she were in Amber and then not bother to mention any of it to her if she might be, because frankly if she died messily as a direct result of insisting on her acquaintances living up to unrealistic and arbitary standards of behaviour then I would find this amusing and ironic, rather than regrettable. Not all of the explanation was verbal, of course - but I do have a wonderful excuse not to tell her time critical information in the future. Not, of course, that she bothers with excuses when leaving me out of the loop, so therefore not that I need such excuses, but it's always nice to be able to add insult to injury.

Confusingly, Coenna trumped me soon thereafter, to ask why I had trumped her the previous night. She was rather rude about it, really - but dd let slip that she had been with Clare at the time. And Clare insisting on privacy while she slept... Well, well... Anyway, this told me that she had my trump, which hardly seems surprising - I suppose I could acquire one of her, but I honestly can't think of any reason I'd want to contact her. Someone does, apparently.

Tasmash continues to delay furthering of his plans until the turmoil Prospero caused has settled somewhat, so we look to have a short quiet period again. With a little luck, X will be able to use the upheaval to track down a target or two for me, I'll be checking they're actually a valid target, of course, but it seems likely we would both appreciate their demise, so there's hope of reasonable efficiency on X's part.

Tom Garnett
Cambridge, England